
Chantel Caraballo

Licensed Massage Therapist

Chantel’s desire to become a massage therapist began while she was still in high school. Growing up, she observed her mother suffering from chronic sciatic nerve pain that impacted her mother’s well-being and way of life. Chantel researched ways to provide relief for Sciatica and discovered that massage therapy could help restore her mother’s quality of life.

Shortly after completing high school, Chantel enrolled at Lincoln Technical Institute located in Lowell, MA and graduated in 2007. After pausing to raise her family, Chantel completed continuing education classes from Spa Tech Institute in Westboro, MA and received her massage therapy license in 2015.

She is also a member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP). In November of 2018, Chantel received her Oncology Certification training, “Caring for Clients with Cancer”. She provides supportive care to clients with cancer by helping to alleviate symptoms such as pain, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, and sleeplessness.

Over the past 8 years, she has seen firsthand that massage therapy can aid the body in healing from a variety of ailments. It is Chantel’s passion as a massage therapist to help her clients recover from their injuries, everyday stresses, and help maintain optimal wellness.